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Abrams (Blue City)

Released: 2024

Genre: Hard rock, Stoner rock

Sounds Like: 1000Mods, Howling Giant

Homeland: Denver, Colorado

Abrams Blue City

What makes Blue City elite and sit atop OHMs Peak?

  • Hailing from Colorado, Abrams return with a euphoric blend of heavy technical riffs and shoegaze rock

  • The production is precise and clear, perfectly capturing their vision and unique heaviness

  • The harmonies between guitarist Zach Amster and bassist Taylor Iversen's vocals remain flawless, bringing their brand of heaviness to new heights

  • From beginning to end, Blue City captivates and maintains its momentum. Its quality improves with each listen, almost becoming addictive. Before long, you'll discover yourself delving into their previous albums.


Track Listing:

1.Tomorrow 4:20

2. Fire Waltz 4:14

3. Etherol 3:22

4. Lungfish 4:03

5. Wasting Time 4:38

6. Death Om 4:31

7. Turn It Off 3:18

8. Narc 4:40

9. Crack Aunt 5:06

10. Blue City 4:22


Dive deeper into Blue City with our Q&A with Abrams.

OHMs Peak: We must say we didn’t think you could top In The Dark, yet Blue City turns into this absolute fucking masterpiece that we cannot get out of rotation. You play with such sincerity and every track has so much depth and comfort. It’s truly a therapeutic work of art. Can you take us through the making of this album and your psyche in putting such a beautiful piece together?

Abrams: Thanks for the kind words. With every record, our goal is to not repeat ourselves. We want to create something different while still keeping our natural "Abrams sound". It all happened pretty organically as we don't force ourselves to write a specific sound. Another way we changed it up was by going to a different producer/engineer. For Blue City we were lucky enough to record with Kurt Ballou and Zach Weeks at Godcity Studios.

OHMs Peak: The OHMs Peak team is excited to see you play Desertfest New York in September. As a performer, how do you compare playing in collaborative festivals versus your own intimate venue? Which band are you most excited to see while you’re not playing at the 3 day gala?

Abrams: Festivals are a great way to play in front of potential fans who aren't familiar with us. So we always love the challenge. Also, just the guaranteed size of the crowd is comforting. Our headline shows across the country are hit or miss, naturally. While its fun to play in front of 30 people in a tiny dive bar, we like the big stages! I am most excited to see High on Fire. I am bummed to miss True Widow and Acid King since they are the next day but we have another show elsewhere.

OHMs Peak: While every track delivers in a big way, there’s something within 'Lungfish' that really hits home. It is such an emotional and melancholy track builds to inspiration. We would love to hear more about the meaning behind the track and how it came about.

Abrams: Lungfish just missed the cut for In The Dark as it was written right before we hit the studio for those sessions. I think it was kind of a blessing since we got to develop it a little bit more and we really love how it turned out from the Godcity sessions. I am a sucker for slow burn songs that just build and build. I think this song does a great job of that. The title was selected because the initial guitar riff reminded me of the DC Kraut Punk band Lungfish would play. It provides a really cool imagery that captures the vibe of the music.

OHMs Peak: The simplistic title in ‘Blue City’ and equally peaceful album cover are so fitting. Is it a Colorado based photo? How did this peaceful aesthetic come together?

Abrams: We have worked with artist Samantha Muljat for a couple of records and she absolutely nails it. I would send her the album with the lyrics accompanied with a short description of the theme and she just comes back with perfection. She lives in the PNW and took the shot at an abandoned army base!

OHMs Peak: How did the name Abrams come about and what does it represent?

Abrams: Nothing honestly. It was the only thing we could agree on.

OHMs Peak: Abrams is stranded on an island with only a solar powered turn table and majestic powered solar blue tooth speakers. The band collectively can only choose one album. Which album do you ultimately agree to?

Abrams: Love this question. Bubblegum by Mark Lanegan gets played a lot in the van. BUT if it were one song, it'd be the greatest song of all time In 'The Fade' by QOTSA off of Rated R.


Abrams are:

Zach Amster - Guitars and Vox

Taylor Iversen - Bass and Vox

Ryan DeWitt - Drums

Graham Zander - Guitar

Follow Abrams: Bandcamp / Facebook / Instagram



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