Crank this to 9.9 of 11 - Editors' Pick
Released: 2021
Genre: Death metal, Progressive metal, Thrash
Sounds Like: Control Denied, Slugdge, Revocation
Homeland: London

Album Overview
Atvm are taking Death metal to new heights. This album is a frenzy of technical death metal with tons of progressive metal and thrash. They even dabble with jazzy arrangements
The various soft moments are brilliant, making for great contrast throughout
We also hear moments classic metal thrown in as well, check out the last half of "Anag-ou Matoy," it's addicting
This could be one of the more exploratory death metal albums that has hit our rotation in quite some time. They pour so much energy and creativity into the songwriting, you can say they are the Mr. Bungle of the genre
The production is crisp, it's amazing how each instrument is heard and distinct
Every song is lengthy and so involved, it's really tough to know where you are in the album, but it doesn't even matter
Running close to an hour, this album is a lot to take in at first. We recommend taking a couple breaks to cleanse the pallet and come back for more. Once you start to know the album it gets addictive
Track List:
1. Sanguinary Floating Orb (8:10)
2. Anag-ou Matoy (7:35)
3. They Crawl (5:46)
4. Vagh Nakh (7:47)
5. Squeal In Torment (8:09)
6. Picture Of Decay (9:11)
7. Slud (9:19)
Standout Track(s):
Squeal in Torment
A standout cut is almost impossible on an album like this. "Squeal in Torment" just stands out a bit with its dark torturous feel, mosh pit induced vocals. The proggy jam coming out of left field right in the middle of the song is brilliant and the classic swift metal rhythm to end just hits the right nerve.
Picture of Decay
This is Death metal prog ay it's finest. It's just a blast, the musicianship is on another fucking planet. The bass gets funky at times as they throw a bit of old Faith No More into the mix.
Brew Pairing
Lizard People IPA will hit the spot. This 8.5% IPA from Drekker Brewing in North Dakota is crisp with mango and berries. A nice pairing with Atvm
Atvm are:
Harry Bray - Vocals
Tom Calcraft - Guitar
Luke Abbott - Bass
Francis Ball - Drums
