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Brugada (To Slow Death and Fast Riffs)

Released: 2024

Genre: Progressive Metal, Sludge

Sounds Like: Third Rail, Hypergiant, Mountainwolf

Homeland: Vancouver

Brugada To Slow Death and Fast Riffs

What makes To Slow Death and Fast Riffs elite and sit atop OHMs Peak?

  • Members of Astrakhan unleash a new concept in Brugada, with contributions from Kevin Keegan of Dead Quiet and Jeff Radomsky of Neck of the Woods

  • Speedy fretwork layered with thick sludge make for a unique and engaging album that heats up with each listen

  • Exceptionally diverse vocals throughout with the perfect blend of echo and ferocity

  • The closer ‘Superfish’ hits the pinnacle of beauty, just an epic onslaught of sonic bliss

  • The album hits elite stature for its intricate riffs and absorbing melodic ways. From a Banger entrance to the wild vision of ‘Sniper’ and ‘Bossfight’


Track Listing:

1. Bangar 18 4:01

2. Return to Bangar 3:36

3. Bossfight 3:03

4. Spaceman 3:11

5. Sniper 4:28

6. Chuck 3:24

7. Skin and Blood 4:18

8. Over the Hill 2:01

9. A Nod to Process 2:58

10. Superfish 6:58


Dive deeper into To Slow Death and Fast Riffs with our Q&A with Brugada.

OHMs Peak: Your debut album has absolutely floored us from start to finish. Just incredible from all aspects of fretwork to percussion and vocals. The chemistry you folks have is very apparent. Tell us a little bit about your history and prior bands. We reviewed Astrakhan back in 2018 and we’re big fans as well?

Brugada: That's good to hear! Adam and I were founding members of Astrakhan. We started working on Brugada pretty much right after our the last show. Kevin, our drummer, is from an awesome tech death band called The Hallowed Catharsis. We had a shared jam space and figured we'd ask him to mess around on this project. Kael and I had spent years in a previous project that didn't do much as far as output beside some touring/gigging, and an obscure EP.

OHMs Peak: 'The album title To Slow Death and Fast Riffs speaks volumes to the beauty of contrast. While the album is heavy and intense, there are so many different elements, change ups and variety throughout. What other bands do you get your influences from?

Brugada: I was pretty influenced by 80's thrash, and more techy sort of punk stuff. Megadeth, Metallica were big ones. Propaghandi, NOFX, A Willhelm Scream some others. Then also mathy stuff like Battles, Redneck Manifesto, And So I watch you from Afar. Also sludgy stuff like Mastodon, High on Fire, Neurosis, Baroness, Isis. A blender of that.

OHMs Peak: 'Superfish’ is an incredible track, and perhaps one of our favorites off the album. The first minute takes us back to the early 90s with one of our favorite bands, Last Crack, then morphs into absolute intense brilliance. We would love to hear more about the meaning and theme of this song.

Brugada: My concept for this record was creating something cohesive based on lyrical lines lifted from Steven Speilberg films. I began the writing process of each song by choosing a line I liked from one of these films then contextualizing and seeing where that led. The line I used for Superfish was from Close Encounters of the Third Kind ("the sun came out at night, and sang to him" is the line specifically).

The song concept examines the rift between Cain and Abel in the bible and places God's influence and meetings with them in terms of an alien presence like in Close Encounters of the Third Kind. It's also an allegory for the break up of Astrakhan, as well as just general conflict between people that evolves from a misalignment of integrity.

OHMs Peak: The collaboration on 'Skin and Blood' with Dead Quiet frontman Kevin Keegan is a terrific addition. Can you tell us how this came about?

Brugada: Keegs is one of my best buds. I love his voice, and writing, so just wanted him to do something on the record, cause why not. All the features on the records are friends, and singers I like in our scene!

OHMs Peak: Your album cover is certainly eye-catching with its suggestive image. We would love to hear more about the creation of the cover?

Brugada: I wanted to take something super not metal, and make it feel metal. Subvert the concept of a metal cover. Fruit doesn't seem metal, so that's what I went with. I guess it just looks like genitalia, but that wasn't intentional haha.

OHMs Peak: Brugada is stranded on a remote island with only a solar powered record player and a boatload of fruit. You can only choose one album to play during your entire stay. What album would the band collectively choose?

Brugada: Hopefully this Brugada album hahaha. I don't think we could decide on one mutual album that we all like. I think our tastes go in pretty diff directions.


Brugada are:

Rob Zawistowski

Kevin Emms

Adam Young

Mikael Koltek

Guest Vocals:

Twitchy Claire Carreras on 'Return to Bangar'

Devon Motz on 'Spaceman'

Kevin Keegan on 'Skin and Blood'

Jeff Radomsky on 'A Nod to Process'

Follow Brugada: Bandcamp / Facebook



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