Crank this to 8.7 of 11
Released: 2021
Genre: Blackend Hardcore, Doom
Sounds Like: Kvelertak, Oathbreaker, Hexis
Homeland: Albany, NY

Track Overview:
1. Cicada (4:57)
Powerful opener that teases us with the divergent background vocals.
2. Psalm 4 (4:33)
Nudo kicks ass on this track, bludgeoning beauty.
3. Husk (3:49)
Circular grinding stoner feel to this one, 1 minute mark hits you like a ton of bricks, terrific song structure.
4. Days From Land (5:36)
Longest track, not a big fan of the spoken word filler here.
5. Sirens (4:58)
Bring the calm and melodic, great build on this one, dripping sludge, subtle brilliance by Nudo at the 4 min mark
6. Less Dead (2:55)
Middle of the road track, steady as she goes.
7. Zephyr Kink (3:18) Standout Track
Bennet intro brilliance, vocal contrast at its best here, whirlwind of sonic bliss and a classic 90s melody hooks.
8. Teeth (4:06)
Imbo leads the spiraling fretwork, great stuff.
9. Hours (4:57)
Dark funeral dirge closer, love the distant vocals and echo.
Album Nuggets
Absolutely love the vocal contrast on this album. Harrington and Hunt paint an impressive landscape with their differing styles
Multiple layers that will not tire. This genre tends to hit the monotony realm but not here. Great variety
High-end percussion onslaught accentuates the above average production
Great chemistry and their tinkering since 2018 has made for a very solid full length debut
Brew Pairing
We recommend anything from Fidens Brewing in Albany. An exceptional blend to accompany Dirt Church would be their Eugene’s Axe at 8.2% ABV. This is a lovely double utilizing citra and galaxy hops.
Dirt Church are:
Billy Harrington: Vocals
Justin Hunt: Guitar and Vocals
Imbo: Guitar
Steve Bennett: Bass
Rob Nudo: Drums