Released: 2024
Genre: Stoner rock, Psychedelic rock
Sounds Like: Slomosa, Mammoth Volume, Howling Giant
Homeland: Germany

What makes Tempest elite and sit atop OHMs Peak?
The trio from Germany delivers a cutting-edge album that transports us to the stoner rock era of the 90s, while incorporating a modern psychedelic vibe
The production of Tempest is not overdone and has somewhat of a live studio sound
The vocals are mostly clean and gritty with terrific harmonies, complementing the music beautifully
The last two songs 'Burst' and 'Xanadu' bring a more stoner punk vibe to the album. Reminiscent of the late 90s stoner band Chrome Locust, it's a great subtle shift in direction
Track Listing:
1. The Path 5:04
2. Hypnosis 4:54
3. Wait 6:37
4. Confined 5:16
5. Tempest 7:35
6. Glow 5:56
7. Burst 2:34
8. Xanadu 6:09
Dive deeper into Tempest with our Q&A with Guitarist / Vocalist Mateusz Pietrzela from Juke Cove.
OHMs Peak: Tempest delivers in a big way. You guys infuse so much detail and diverse angles that you appeal to punk and stoner/doom fans across the board. Take us through your process on this album and how it branches from the brilliance of Remedy?
Mateusz: Thanks, that’s cool to hear! True, we all have different musical backgrounds and influences. Maxim likes garage rock, surf rock and sludgy doom, Dima more psych and 70s rock and I (Mateusz) am into hardcore/punk and grunge so all those influences come out and try to get into the music during our writing process. So we’re not aiming at imitating any band, just bringing our ideas, jamming on them and trying to make the best out of them together. In comparison to Remedy, we put more effort into finalizing the songs and the recording process. Whereas previous albums we recorded DIY, this time our friend Arvid (who’s playing guitar and singing in an awesome band called “War") helped us out with recording and production.
OHMs Peak: The title track ‘Tempest’ is an absolutely impeccable track. The soothing intro and built up fury and punk hardcore influences really resonate. Take us through the meaning behind the track and it being the central theme.
Mateusz: Imagine that you’re on a small ship on an open sea when everything gets silent, air pressure drops and you see majestic dark clouds approaching. What do you do? What do you do in the middle of the storm? What happens when things start getting out of control? So, on the metaphorical level this song deals with the role of chance and random or chaotic events in our lives and how we can deal with it.
In the context of the whole album we decided that “Tempest” fits also well with the chaotic and energetic character of our songs. So, there are clouds approaching, rain, wind, lightnings, clear-ups and all the related feelings throughout our album and Tempest as the album title encapsulates it all. It’s also probably the most outstanding song.
OHMs Peak: What band would you love to tour with that would most compliment your sound.
Mateusz: It’s different for each of us. If we talk about bigger names, Maxim would like to tour with Belzebong or Weedeter, Dima Weedpecker or Motorpsycho, for me it would be probably Fu Manchu or Lowrider. We can all agree though that Red Mess, War, Aptera and Tønda are a couple of awesome bands based in Germany that would be a great fit for us for a common tour.
OHMs Peak: We see the album art was created by Groppler and Van Rein of Doomed Creations. The intricacies and detailed beautiful color scheme so fit with your bands aura. How involved were you in the process and selection?
Mateusz: In 2022 we played a show in Rostock in North Germany. It was a really awesome crowd and atmosphere. After our show a couple approached us to chat a bit and buy some merch and it turned out they were the poster designers for the show. We all loved the poster so we asked right away if they wanted to design our next album cover and they agreed.
So working with Doomed Creations was an awesome process in which we were involved from the beginning. We are really satisfied with the result and of course recommend Doomed Creations to all the bands seeking help with artwork for their next album or merch!
OHMs Peak: How did the name Juke Cove come to form and what’s the meaning/background?
Mateusz: It was by chance! We were sick of coming up with names so we just drew two words at random and it turned out to be juke and cove. We liked how it looks and sounds and thought that it actually fits pretty well with the vibe of our music.
OHMs Peak: Juke Cove is stranded on an island with only a solar powered turn table and majestic powered solar blue tooth speakers. The band collectively can only choose one album. Which album to you agree to?
Mateusz: Toke - Orange
Juke Cove are:
Mateusz Pietrzela - Guitar/Vocals
Dima Ogorodnov - Bass/Vocals
Maxim Balobin - Drums
Guitar solos on "Confined" & "Xanadu" by Phil

Grab some Juke Cove Merch
Music (vinyl, CDs, digital, shirts, etc.)