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Uulliata Digir (Uulliata Digir)

Released: 2025

Genre: Avant-garde metal, Post-metal, Black metal

Sounds Like: Cult of Luna, ISIS, SUMAC

Homeland: Poznań, Poland

Beneath A Steal Sky

What makes Uulliata Digir elite and sit atop OHMs Peak?

  • Uulliata Digir’s self-titled album is a stunning debut and loaded with avant-garde heaviness that will be a sure-fire mainstay in your rotation.

  • The contrast of the euphoric dousing of blissful trumpet coupled with dueling female (Julita) and male (Michal) vocals make for one of the most unique albums we have come across in a long time.

  • The band’s song-structure is so imaginative and inviting. There are many jaw-dropping moments throughout the album. Case in point are Julita’s vocal despair and beauty, that will send chills down your spine.


Track Listing: 1. Myrthys 15:36 2. Asea 0:40 3. Omni Dirga 6:47 4. Atti 0:41 5. Eldrvari 14:50


Dive deeper into this album with our Q&A with Uulliata Digir.

OHMs Peak: Would love for a brief glimpse into your process and time commitment in making the album.


Uulliata Digir: Beginnings of this album go far back to 2019, when our guitarist, Marcin, and drummer, Krzysztof, first met and began casually jamming together. Over time, small pieces of the compositions started coming together and the sound became more defined and this is when the rest of the band joined in. That’s when the real work on the album began.

From that point, it took us 3 years to refine the songs, layer the instruments and produce the final version. Mixing was a crucial phase. We had a clear vision of the sound we wanted but achieving it was complex due to the multitude of instruments and strong dynamic shifts.

Much of the album was born from improvisation, while other sections were carefully composed with every note planned. At times the process felt endless—weekends of hard work with little visible progress. Other times everything fell into place naturally and we knew that we’re getting somewhere.

And most importantly, we knew that we were creating something we couldn’t quite categorize but it sounded awesome and it was giving us a lot of drive to work patiently and trust the process to craft a sound that felt uniquely our own.


OHMs Peak: What was your most memorable live performance? Where was it held and why was the night so special?


Uulliata Digir: Our first live performance was definitely the most unforgettable. The venue was completely unequipped—no sound system, no heating, a broken toilet, and, to top it off, the electricity cut out just 20 minutes before the show. We had to break into a locked room just to restore power. And after the gig, we had to pack everything up and clean the entire space ourselves. It was exhausting, but it was also magical. Inside the venue, we discovered these incredible statues that we placed on stage, and they perfectly complemented our aesthetic. The room was packed, the audience was amazing, everybody including us got kind of hypnotised. It felt like we all stepped into some distant place outside of reality. That night we got really close together as a band.


OHMs Peak: What band/artist NOT in your genre would you love to tour with that would most compliment your sound?


Uulliata Digir: Phuture Doom would be an incredible fit - if you happen to be in touch with them, let them know we are ready! 😉

OHMs Peak: We would love any insight as to your current and upcoming tour plans?

Uulliata Digir: Right now, we are planning some ad-hoc concerts in Poland, polishing our show and proving the demand. As soon as we get more traction, we’ll be planning a full tour—so stay tuned! ;)


OHMs Peak: ‘Eldrvari’ is an absolutely groundbreaking closer with some of the most powerful contrast we have ever heard. Take us through the concept behind this track and how Julita channels such beautiful emotion and despair to close the track.


Uulliata Digir: The entire album is a concept piece that tells a story—one that might have happened. It is a story about creation, care and trust, about a sin, a disappointment, a curse and a prophecy. About a cataclysm, war, death and sacrifice, about forgiveness, and new beginnings. It is a story of humanity but at the same time a story of individual souls. That’s why the contrasts are so extreme, and the emotions so intense - it is kind of a message that is flowing through us.


OHMs Peak: What does Uulliata Digir mean in English (our search leads us to ‘Pea Pods’ in Somali) but what is the polish tie-in and how did it come about?


Uulliata Digir: We don’t want to reveal too much just yet, but we can say this: the name doesn’t come from Polish. It’s derived from ancient languages like Sumerian, much like the titles of our songs and lyrics. It ties deeply into the concept of our music and the stories we tell. Keep watching, and in time, you’ll uncover its meaning. ;).

OHMs Peak: Uulliata Digir is stranded on an island with only a solar powered turntable and majestic powered solar blue tooth speakers. You can only choose one album. Which album to you agree to?


Uulliata Digir: Our taste is eclectic so each of us would say a different one. Here is the list of 6 albums, each from one band member:

-        Lateralus - Tool

-        Mestarin kynsi - Oranssi Pazuzu

-        Advaitic Songs - OM

-        Oceanic - ISIS

-        Balance - Van Halen

-        Human 2.0 - Nasum


Uulliata Digir are:

Krzysztof Kulis (ex-Struggle with God, ex-Smoła) - Drums

Marcin Tuliszkiewicz (In Twilight’s Embrace, Faust Again) - Guitar and synths

Bartłomiej Kerber (ex-Heresy Denied) - Bass

Magdalena Andrys - Trumpet

Michał Sosnowski (Blast Rites) - Vocals

Julita Dąbrowska - Vocals

Follow Uulliata Digir: Bandcamp / Facebook


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