Released: 2021
Genre: Stoner metal
Sounds Like: Baroness, Leather Lung, Acid Magus
Homeland: Spain

Album Overview
Manantial de Sangre y Muerte is a gritty stoner metal album with tons of emotion and barbaric styled vocals
The vocal style of Manu is gut-wrenching and heartfelt. He really lays it all out on this album
The stoner metal is has a progressive feel at times, somewhat like new Baroness or Torche
The pace really picks up on "Imperial State Cadáver," where they cross over into thrash territory
We love the transitions between stoner metal, classic heavy metal and some sludge... it'll works
Don't sleep on their debut album either, it possess a more homegrown metal feel
1. Marcha Fúnebre 2:59
2. Oorlog 8:33
3. La Logia Negra de la Muerte 4:44
4. Muertxs 4:12
5. Imperial State Cadáver 5:25
6. Serpientes 4:54
7. Rostros Ardiendo (Dis Manibus) 3:04
8. El Silencio 5:54
Standout Tracks:
The longest track of the lot. This song hots with tremendous fuzz and some clean backing vocals. As the song progresses it spirals into a sludgy affair with the addicting drums of Panchi. The bass from Luis provides help with the sludge. Did we mention this song fucking jams as well bouncing back and fourth between classic and progressive metal.
Wow, such engrossing heavy mid-tempo fuzz here with more inspiring barbaric vocals by Manu. The guitars between Óscar and Fidel is almost jaw dropping, the way they interact with each other. A great headphone tune.
La Logia Negra de la Muerte
Just a filthy sounding stoner metal song with that makes you want to jump in the pit. The last minute of the song is brilliant in the way they bring it down... fuzz moment of the year.
Brew Pairing
Colossal Claude by Rouge Ales Brewing. This 8.5% IPA has a medium body with tastes and aromas of pineapple and other citrus fruit. A strong brew that pairs well with Manantial de Sangre y Muerte.
Voltaje Cadáver:
Óscar: Guitars
Manu: Voice
Fidel: Guitars
Panchi: Drums
Luis: Bass
